Setting Behavior
Cleaner parameters
HtmlCleaner can be set up with number of parameters. They are briefly described in the following table (parameter names vary slightly in java code, command line and Ant use, nonetheless there shouldn't be any ambiguities):
Parameter | Default | Explanation |
maxDepth | 1000 | The maximum depth of nested tags that HtmlCleaner will attempt to handle. |
advancedXmlEscape | true | If this parameter is set to true, ampersand sign (&) that proceeds valid XML character sequences (&XXX;) will not be escaped with &XXX; |
deserializeEntities | false | If this parameter is set to true, special entities in element content will be deserialized to their text equivalents, enabling you to access parsed text content from the TagNode and ContentNode classes. This will not override the Serializer output, which will escape the output to create valid XML or HTML. |
transResCharsToNCR | false |
If this parameter is set to true, reserved XML sequences
(&, ", ', <, >) are serialized to
their Numeric Character Representations
(#&38;, #&34;, #&39;, #&60;, #&62;). This parameter has
effect only if advancedXmlEscape is set to true.
translateSpecialEntities | true | If true, special HTML entities (i.e. ô, ‰, ×) are replaced with unicode characters they represent (ô, ‰, ×). This doesn't include &, <, >, ", '. |
transSpecialEntitiesToNCR | false |
If this parameter is set to true, special HTML entities
(i.e. Α) are serialized to
their Numeric Character Representations
(#&913;). This parameter has
effect only if translateSpecialEntities is set to true.
recognizeUnicodeChars | true | If true, HTML characters represented by their codes in form &#XXXX; are replaced with real unicode characters (i.e. ж is replaced with ж) |
useCdata | true | If true, HtmlCleaner will treat SCRIPT and STYLE tag contents as CDATA sections, or otherwise it will be regarded as ordinary text (special characters will be escaped). |
useCdataFor | "script,style" | HtmlCleaner will treat the contents of specified tags as CDATA sections, or otherwise it will be regarded as ordinary text (special characters will be escaped). |
omitUnknownTags | false | Tells whether to skip (ignore) unknown tags during cleanup. |
treatUnknTagsAsContent | false |
Tells whether to treat unknown tags as ordinary content, i.e.
<something...> will be transformed to
<something...> . This attribute is
applicable only if omitUnknownTags is set to false.
omitDeprTags | false | Tells whether to skip (ignore) deprecated HTML tags during cleanup. |
treatDeprTagsAsContent | false |
Tells whether to treat deprecated tags as ordinary content, i.e.
<font...> will be transformed to
<font...> . This attribute is
applicable only if omitDeprecatedTags is set to false.
omitCdataOutsideScriptAndStyle | false | If set to true, any CDATA sections not inside a script or style element are removed. (Since version 2.7) |
omitComments | false | Tells whether to skip HTML comments. |
omitXmlDeclaration | false | Tells whether or not to put XML declaration line at the beginning of the resulting XML. |
omitDoctypeDeclaration | true | Tells whether to skip HTML declaration found in the source document. If HTML document being cleaned doesn't contain one it wouldn't be placed in the result anyway. |
omitXmlnsAttributes | false |
This flag is depricated since version 1.3 and namespacesAware
should be used instead.
omitEnvelope | false |
Tells whether to remove open and close tag being serialized. This parameter is
introduced in HtmlCleaner 2.2 to replace omitHtmlEnvelope . If set to true,
serialization skips open and close tags of the node, outputs only node's children.
useEmptyElementTags | true |
Specifies how to serialize tags with empty body - if true, compact notation is used(<xxx/>), otherwise - <xxx></xxx>
allowMultiWordAttributes | true |
Tells parser whether to allow attribute values consisting of multiple words or not. If true, attribute
att="a b c" will stay like it is, and if false parser will split this into att="a" b="b" c="c"
(this is default browsers' behaviour).
allowHtmlInsideAttributes | false |
Tells parser whether to allow html tags inside attribute values. For example, when this flag is set
att="here is <a href='xxxx'>link</a>" will stay like it is, and if not, parser will
end attribute value after "here is ". This flag makes sense only if allowMultiWordAttributes is set as well.
ignoreQuestAndExclam | true |
Tells parser whether to completely ignore tags that have form <?TAGNAME....> or
<!TAGNAME....> . This way some HTML/XML processing instructions may be omitted from the
resulting xml.
namespacesAware | true | If true, namespace prefixes found during parsing will be preserved and all neccessery xml namespace declarations will be added in the root element. If false, all namespace prefixes and all xmlns namespace declarations will be stripped. |
hyphenReplacement | = | XML doesn't allow double hyphen sequence (--) inside comments. This parameter tells which replacement to use for it when double hyphen is encountered during parsing. |
pruneTags | empty string |
Comma-separated list of tags that will be complitely removed (with all nested elements)
from XML tree after parsing. For exampe if pruneTags is "script,style" ,
resulting XML will not contain scripts and styles.
booleanAtts | self |
Tells cleaner what value to give to boolean attributes,
like checked , selected and similar.
Allowed values are self - value of attribute is the same
as attribute name (checked = "checked"), empty -
attribute value is empty string (checked = "") and true -
value of attribute is "true" (checked = "true").
nodeByXpath |
XPath expression used to select first node that is going to be serialized
instead of whole HTML document. For example if this parameter us set to
//table[1] only first table in document will be serialized.
allowInvalidAttributeNames | False |
Determines whether HtmlCleaner attempts to fix attribute names by making them XML-compliant.
The default value is False , meaning that HtmlCleaner will remove any invalid characters from attribute names, and omit
attributes when the attribute name cannot be made valid in this way.
If set to True , attribute names are always left largely as-is, even if this will break
XML error checking. Because of this, setting this value to True will also set strictErrorChecking=False
in DomSerializer. JDomSerializer does not have an error checking value, so be careful with using this setting
as it can easily result in invalid JDom documents throwing exceptions.
Note that HtmlCleaner uses the WHATWG/HTML5 attribute specification rules for parsing attributes, which means that
some attributes will be considered invalid and omitted even if this property is True .
invalidAttributeNamePrefix | Empty String | A prefix added to HTML attribute names to indicate that HtmlCleaner has modified them from the original name as part of the cleaning process. The default value is an empty string (""). |
Parsing transformations
HtmlCleaner 2.1 introduces a way to quickly skip specified tags and/or attributes or to transform
them to some other tags/attributes during parsing process, avoiding expansive document object
model manipulation after cleaning. Here is an example of html that we want to slightly
change along standard cleanup process: